29 de setembre 2006

Et si on rigolait un petit coup...en anglais

Vos ai preparat una seleccion de botadas fachas per quauquis comedians dau festival "off" d'Edimborg d'aquest estiu. Sachez que Boots est une chaine de droguistes et Asda est une chaine de supermarches (du style Intermarche).

Ma femme et moi sommes de grand fans de ces spectacles (connu en GB comme des "stand-up comedies" ou ca picole, rigole, et gerbe dans la rigole.

Voila ce qui fait rire les Britanniques et moi:

I realised I was dyslexic when I went to a toga party dressed as a goat.
Marcus Brigstocke at the Assembly Rooms

You have to remember all the trivia that your girlfriend tells you, because eventually you get tested. She'll go: "What's my favourite flower?" And you murmur to yourself: "Sh*t, I wasn't listening... Self-raising?"
Addy Van-Der-Borgh at the Assembly Rooms

The world is a dangerous place; only yesterday I went into Boots and punched someone in the face.
Jeremy Limb, at the Trap

Hey - you want to feel really handsome? Go shopping at Asda.
Brendon Burns at the Pleasance

If you're being chased by a police dog, try not to go through a tunnel, then on to a little seesaw, then jump through a hoop of fire. They're trained for that.
Milton Jones at the Underbelly

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Anònim ha dit...

Y a au moins deux blagues qu'on aura du mal à comprendre...